selli software

GetSelli Sales Software Best Review 2023

GetSelli Sales Software Best Review 2023



In this comprehensive review, we will delve into GetSelli Sales, a powerful sales software designed to streamline and enhance your sales processes. GetSelli Sales offer a range of features and functionalities that can benefit businesses of all sizes, from startups to enterprises. This review will explore the software’s features, user experience, pricing, customer support, security, data privacy, integrations, and provide an overall evaluation of its pros and cons.

Features and Functionality

GetSelli Sales boasts an extensive array of features and functionalities aimed at improving sales efficiency and effectiveness. From lead management to deal tracking and analytics, this software provides a comprehensive suite of tools to support your sales team.

Lead Management

The lead management feature enables users to capture and organize leads effectively. The software allows you to import leads from various sources, such as website forms or CSV files, and track their progress throughout the sales pipeline. With intuitive lead scoring and tagging capabilities, you can prioritize and segment leads for targeted outreach, maximizing your chances of conversion.

Deal Tracking

GetSelli Sales offer a robust deal-tracking system that enables you to monitor and manage sales opportunities effectively. The software provides a visual sales pipeline, allowing you to track deals at every stage and identify potential bottlenecks. With customizable deal stages and automated reminders, you can ensure timely follow-ups and increase your chances of closing deals successfully.

Sales Analytics

The sales analytics feature empowers users with insightful data and reports to drive data-informed decision-making. GetSelli Sales provides detailed analytics on key sales metrics, including conversion rates, win-loss ratios, and revenue forecasts. With these analytics at your fingertips, you can identify trends, measure performance, and optimize your sales strategies for improved results.

Email Integration

Streamlining communication is crucial in sales, and GetSelli Sales excels in this aspect with its seamless email integration. The software allows you to send and receive emails directly from the platform, eliminating the need for switching between multiple applications. Furthermore, email templates and personalized mail merge capabilities enable efficient and personalized outreach to prospects.

User Experience

GetSelli Sales offer an intuitive and user-friendly interface that ensures a smooth user experience. Navigating through the software is straightforward, thanks to its well-designed layout and intuitive menus. The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your sales activities, allowing you to access essential information at a glance. Additionally, the software’s responsive design ensures a seamless experience across different devices and screen sizes.

Pricing and Plans

When it comes to pricing, GetSelli Sales offers flexible plans to cater to various business needs. The software provides multiple pricing tiers, ranging from a basic plan for startups to advanced plans for larger enterprises. The pricing structure is transparent and based on a monthly or annual subscription model. While the cost may vary depending on the selected plan and the number of users, GetSelli Sales offers excellent value for the features and functionalities it provides.

Customer Support

GetSelli Sales prides itself on offering exceptional customer support to its users. The software provides multiple channels for assistance, including email, live chat, and a comprehensive knowledge base. The support team is responsive and knowledgeable, ensuring prompt resolution of any queries or issues. Additionally, the knowledge base contains a wealth of resources, including tutorials, FAQs, and best practices, empowering users to make the most of the software’s capabilities.

Security and Data Privacy

Data security and privacy are critical considerations when choosing any software, especially one that handles sensitive sales information. GetSelli Sales understands the importance of safeguarding customer data and employs robust security measures to ensure data protection.

The software utilizes industry-standard encryption protocols to secure data transmission and storage. This encryption ensures that sensitive information, such as customer details and sales data, remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access. Additionally, GetSelli Sales employs secure servers and data centers with stringent physical and digital security measures to prevent breaches or data loss.

In terms of data privacy, GetSelli Sales adheres to strict privacy policies and regulations. The software maintains compliance with data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring that user data is handled in a lawful and ethical manner. GetSelli Sales also provides users with control over their data through customizable permission settings, allowing administrators to assign access levels and manage data visibility within their organizations.


To enhance its functionality and integration capabilities, GetSelli Sales offers seamless integrations with popular third-party tools and platforms. These integrations enable users to connect their sales software with other essential business applications, streamlining workflows and optimizing productivity.

GetSelli Sales integrates smoothly with CRM systems, such as Salesforce and HubSpot, enabling seamless data synchronization between the sales software and the CRM platform. This integration ensures that customer data remains consistent across both systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the chances of data discrepancies.

Furthermore, GetSelli Sales offer integrations with email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact, facilitating streamlined email campaigns and lead nurturing. By connecting these platforms, users can leverage the power of email marketing automation and targeted messaging to engage prospects and drive conversions effectively.

Pros and Cons


  • Robust lead management and deal tracking capabilities
  • Powerful sales analytics for data-driven decision-making
  • Seamless email integration for efficient communication
  • Intuitive user interface and responsive design
  • Flexible pricing plans to suit different business needs
  • Exceptional customer support and comprehensive knowledge base
  • Strong data security measures and compliance with privacy regulations
  • Seamless integrations with popular CRM and email marketing platforms


  • Some advanced features may require additional configuration or customization
  • Limited third-party integrations beyond CRM and email marketing platforms
  • Steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with sales software


GetSelli Sales is a feature-rich and user-friendly sales software that can significantly enhance your sales processes. With its robust lead management, deal tracking, and sales analytics functionalities, the software provides a comprehensive suite of tools to optimize your sales efforts. The seamless email integration, intuitive user interface, and responsive design contribute to a smooth user experience.

The flexible pricing plans and exceptional customer support make GetSelli Sales accessible and suitable for businesses of all sizes. The software’s commitment to data security and privacy ensures that your sensitive sales information remains protected and compliant with industry regulations. While there may be a learning curve for users new to sales software, the extensive knowledge base and responsive support team mitigate any challenges.

GetSelli Sales offer excellent value and can be a valuable asset in streamlining your sales processes, driving efficiency, and maximizing revenue generation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I import my existing leads into GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to import leads from various sources, including website forms or CSV files, making it easy to transition your existing leads into the software.

Can I customize the deal stages in GetSelli Sales?

Absolutely. GetSelli Sales offers customizable deal stages, allowing you to align the software with your unique sales process and track deals according to your specific workflow.

Does GetSelli Sales provide sales forecasting capabilities?

Yes, GetSelli Sales offer sales analytics and forecasting features. You can generate detailed reports and forecasts based on key sales metrics, helping you make informed decisions and set realistic revenue targets.

Can I integrate GetSelli Sales with my existing CRM system?

Yes, GetSelli Sales provides seamless integration with popular CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot. This integration ensures smooth data synchronization between the sales software and your CRM platform, enabling a unified view of customer information.

Is GetSelli Sales suitable for small businesses/startups?

Absolutely. GetSelli Sales offer flexible pricing plans, including a basic plan tailored for startups and small businesses. This allows businesses with limited budgets to benefit from its powerful sales functionalities without incurring excessive costs.

How secure is the data stored in GetSelli Sales?

GetSelli Sales takes data security seriously. The software employs industry-standard encryption protocols to protect data transmission and storage. Additionally, the platform utilizes secure servers and data centers with robust physical and digital security measures to safeguard your data.

Can I get assistance if I encounter any issues or have questions about GetSelli Sales?

Certainly. GetSelli Sales provides excellent customer support through multiple channels, including email and live chat. Their support team is knowledgeable and responsive, ensuring that your queries or issues are promptly addressed.

Are there any limitations to the integrations offered by GetSelli Sales?

While GetSelli Sales offers seamless integrations with popular CRM and email marketing platforms, the range of integrations beyond these categories may be limited. It’s recommended to consult with the GetSelli Sales team to confirm if specific integrations are available.

Can I access GetSelli Sales on mobile devices?

Yes, GetSelli Sales has a responsive design, allowing you to access and use the software on various mobile devices. This ensures that you can manage your sales activities on the go, providing flexibility and convenience.

Does GetSelli Sales provide training resources for new users?

Yes, GetSelli Sales offers a comprehensive knowledge base with tutorials, FAQs, and best practices. These resources are designed to help users get up to speed with the software quickly and maximize its features and functionalities.

Can I customize user permissions and data visibility in GetSelli Sales?

Absolutely. GetSelli Sales allows administrators to customize user permissions, ensuring that each user has the appropriate access level. This feature enables you to control data visibility within your organization and maintain data security.

Is there a free trial available for GetSelli Sales?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not offer a free trial. However, they provide a demo or personalized walkthrough of the software to help you understand its capabilities and determine if it aligns with your business needs.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my GetSelli Sales plan?

Yes, GetSelli Sales offers flexibility in terms of plan upgrades or downgrades. You can contact their support team or access the billing settings in your account to make changes to your subscription plan.

Does GetSelli Sales provide any automation features?

Yes, GetSelli Sales offers automation features, particularly in the area of email communication. The software allows you to create email templates, automate follow-ups, and personalize messages using mail merge functionality, streamlining your outreach efforts.

Is GetSelli Sales scalable for growing businesses?

Absolutely. GetSelli Sales is designed to scale with your business. As your sales team and operations grow, the software can accommodate increased user accounts, data storage, and sales activities. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, GetSelli Sales can support your evolving sales needs.

Can I generate customized reports in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to generate customized reports based on your specific requirements. You can choose the metrics, filters, and timeframes to create insightful reports that provide a deep understanding of your sales performance.

Does GetSelli Sales offer collaboration features for teams?

Yes, GetSelli Sales provides collaboration features to facilitate teamwork and communication within your sales team. You can assign tasks, share notes, and collaborate on deals, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards common goals.

Can I track the performance of individual sales representatives in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales enables you to track and measure the performance of individual sales representatives. The software provides metrics such as deals won, conversion rates, and revenue generated by each team member, allowing you to identify top performers and areas for improvement.

Does GetSelli Sales provide real-time notifications?

Yes, GetSelli Sales offers real-time notifications to keep you updated on important sales activities. You can receive instant notifications for new leads, deal updates, or upcoming tasks, ensuring that you never miss a critical opportunity or deadline.

Can I customize the dashboard in GetSelli Sales?

Absolutely. GetSelli Sales allows you to customize your dashboard based on your preferences and priorities. You can add or remove widgets, rearrange sections, and choose the key metrics you want to monitor, creating a personalized view that aligns with your specific needs.

Can I track sales activities outside of the office using GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales is accessible through web browsers, making it easy to track and manage sales activities even when you’re on the go. As long as you have an internet connection, you can access the software from any location and device.

 Does GetSelli Sales offer any training or onboarding assistance?

While GetSelli Sales doesn’t provide formal training programs, they offer personalized walkthroughs and demos to help you get started with the software. Additionally, the knowledge base and support documentation are available to assist you in understanding and utilizing the software effectively.

Can I import data from my existing CRM system into GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales provides options to import data from your existing CRM system. You can seamlessly migrate your customer information, deals, and other relevant data, ensuring a smooth transition to the GetSelli Sales platform.

Is there a limit to the number of users in GetSelli Sales?

GetSelli Sales offers different pricing plans with varying user limits. The number of users allowed depends on the specific plan you choose. However, if you have requirements beyond the predefined limits, you can contact GetSelli Sales to discuss custom solutions.

Can I automate follow-ups and reminders in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to automate follow-ups and reminders. You can set up automated email sequences, schedule reminders for important tasks or meetings, and create rules-based workflows to ensure timely and consistent communication with leads and prospects.

Does GetSelli Sales provide mobile apps for iOS and Android devices?

Currently, GetSelli Sales doesn’t offer dedicated mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. However, the software is accessible through web browsers on mobile devices, providing a mobile-friendly interface and allowing you to manage your sales activities on the go.

Can I export data from GetSelli Sales for further analysis?

Yes, GetSlli Sales allows you to export data for further analysis. The software provides options to export data in various formats, such as CSV or Excel, making it easy to analyze and manipulate the data using external tools or software.

Is there a limit to the number of leads or deals I can manage in GetSelli Sales?

GetSelli Sales does not impose a specific limit on the number of leads or deals you can manage within the software. The capacity to handle leads and deals depends on the storage and user limits associated with your chosen plan. However, GetSelli Sales is designed to accommodate the needs of businesses of all sizes, so you can be confident in its scalability.

Can I customize the sales stages and workflows in GetSelli Sales?

Absolutely. GetSelli Sales allows you to customize sales stages and workflows to align with your specific sales process. You can create, edit, or reorder stages based on your unique requirements, ensuring that the software adapts to your preferred methodology.

Does GetSelli Sales offer any social media integration?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not provide direct social media integrations within the platform. However, you can still manually input relevant social media information and notes into the software to enhance your lead management and sales processes.

Can I track sales activities and metrics for multiple products or services in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to track sales activities and metrics for multiple products or services. You can create separate pipelines or deal categories to differentiate and monitor sales efforts for different offerings, providing a comprehensive view of your overall sales performance.

Is there a limit to the number of email templates I can create in GetSelli Sales?

GetSelli Sales does not impose a specific limit on the number of email templates you can create. You can generate as many email templates as needed to cater to various communication scenarios and personalize your outreach efforts.

Can I integrate GetSelli Sales with my existing accounting software?

While GetSelli Sales does not offer direct integrations with accounting software, you can still export relevant sales data and import it into your accounting system for further financial analysis and bookkeeping purposes.

Can I schedule appointments or meetings within GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales provides features to schedule appointments or meetings within the software. You can create events, set reminders, and invite attendees, ensuring that you stay organized and on top of your sales-related appointments.

Does GetSelli Sales offer multi-language support?

Currently, GetSelli Sales primarily supports English as the default language. However, you can reach out to the GetSelli Sales support team to inquire about language options and availability for your specific needs.

Can I track competitor information or activities in GetSelli Sales?

While GetSelli Sales does not have specific features dedicated to tracking competitor information, you can utilize custom fields or notes within the software to record relevant details about competitors, their activities, and any competitive advantages or challenges you may encounter.

Does GetSelli Sales provide any lead nurturing or marketing automation features?

While GetSelli Sales primarily focuses on sales-oriented features, such as lead management and deal tracking, you can leverage its email integration capabilities to implement lead nurturing and basic marketing automation. By creating email sequences and utilizing personalized mail merge, you can automate follow-ups and nurture leads effectively.

Can I import and export data from GetSelli Sales using API?

GetSelli Sales does not currently provide API access for data import and export. However, you can use the software’s built-in import/export functionalities and integrations to manage data efficiently.

Can I generate sales reports based on specific timeframes in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to generate sales reports based on specific timeframes. Whether you need to analyze sales performance on a daily, weekly, monthly, or custom timeframe, the software provides the flexibility to generate reports that align with your reporting needs.

Does GetSelli Sales offer any gamification features for motivating sales teams?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not include gamification features within the platform. However, you can utilize the software’s customizable dashboards and performance metrics to create your own gamification strategies, such as leaderboards or performance-based rewards, to motivate and engage your sales teams.

Can I manage multiple sales pipelines or sales teams within GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to manage multiple sales pipelines and sales teams within the software. You can create separate pipelines for different product lines, regions, or sales divisions, and assign team members accordingly to streamline sales processes and ensure efficient collaboration.

Does GetSelli Sales offer any mobile-specific features, such as location-based check-ins or contact mapping?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not provide mobile-specific features like location-based check-ins or contact mapping. However, you can still access the software on mobile devices through web browsers, enabling you to manage your sales activities remotely.

Can I set up automated notifications or alerts for specific sales events in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to set up automated notifications or alerts for specific sales events. For example, you can configure the software to send an alert when a deal reaches a certain stage, when a new lead is assigned, or when a specific sales milestone is achieved, ensuring that you stay informed and take timely action.

Does GetSelli Sales provide a dedicated customer portal for self-service access?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not offer a dedicated customer portal for self-service access. However, you can utilize the software’s collaboration features and customized permissions to provide controlled access to relevant sales information and updates to your customers.

Can I track the source of leads and monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to track the source of leads and monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. You can utilize custom fields or tags to record the lead source, such as website, social media, or events. Additionally, you can analyze deal conversion rates and associated lead sources to evaluate the success of your marketing efforts.

Can I assign tasks or activities to specific team members in GetSelli Sales?

Absolutely. GetSelli Sales provides task management capabilities, allowing you to assign tasks or activities to specific team members. By assigning tasks, you can streamline collaboration, set clear responsibilities, and ensure that important sales activities are not overlooked.

Does GetSelli Sales provide any document management features?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not include specific document management features. However, you can utilize integrations with cloud storage platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox to manage and link relevant documents to deals or contacts within the software.

Can I create and manage sales territories or regions in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to create and manage sales territories or regions. You can define territories based on geographic boundaries or any other relevant segmentation criteria, enabling effective sales management and resource allocation.

Can I track and manage customer interactions or touchpoints in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales enables you to track and manage customer interactions or touchpoints. You can log activities, notes, and communication history within the software, providing a comprehensive view of your customer interactions. This helps you maintain a strong relationship with your customers and ensures that you have all the necessary information at your fingertips when engaging with them.

Does GetSelli Sales offer any analytics or insights to measure sales performance?

Yes, GetSelli Sales provides analytics and insights to measure sales performance. The software offers visual reports and dashboards that allow you to monitor key metrics, track progress, and identify trends. By analyzing these insights, you can make data-driven decisions and optimize your sales strategies.

Can I integrate GetSelli Sales with other third-party tools or applications?

GetSelli Sales offers integration capabilities with popular tools and applications, such as email marketing platforms, CRM systems, and productivity tools. These integrations enhance the functionality and extend the capabilities of GetSelli Sales, enabling seamless data flow and collaboration across different systems.

Does GetSelli Sales provide any lead scoring or prioritization features?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not include built-in lead scoring or prioritization features. However, you can utilize custom fields, tags, or other available functionalities within the software to create your own lead scoring or prioritization system based on your business requirements.

Can I create and manage sales quotas or targets in GetSelli Sales?

Yes, GetSelli Sales allows you to create and manage sales quotas or targets. You can set individual or team-based quotas, track progress towards achieving them, and monitor performance against the defined targets. This helps you motivate your sales team and drive revenue growth.

Does GetSelli Sales offer any data cleansing or deduplication features?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not provide dedicated data cleansing or deduplication features. However, you can manually review and clean your data within the software, ensuring data accuracy and reducing duplicates by merging or deleting duplicate records.

Can I schedule automated reports or data exports in GetSelli Sales?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not offer the ability to schedule automated reports or data exports. However, you can generate reports and export data manually whenever needed, ensuring that you have the most up-to-date information at your disposal.

Is GetSelli Sales suitable for B2B (business-to-business) sales or B2C (business-to-consumer) sales?

GetSelli Sales is suitable for both B2B and B2C sales. The software’s flexibility allows businesses to adapt its features and functionalities to their specific sales models and requirements, whether they are focused on selling to other businesses or directly to consumers.

Can I manage customer support or post-sales activities within GetSelli Sales?

While GetSelli Sales primarily focuses on sales activities, it does not provide dedicated customer support or post-sales management features. However, you can utilize the software’s collaboration and communication capabilities to facilitate customer support-related activities, such as managing customer inquiries or escalating support tickets to the appropriate teams.

Does GetSelli Sales offer any AI-powered features or predictive analytics?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not include AI-powered features or predictive analytics capabilities. However, the software provides a solid foundation for managing and optimizing your sales processes, and you can leverage external AI tools or analytics platforms for more advanced analysis and forecasting if needed.

Can I customize the user interface or branding in GetSelli Sales?

Currently, GetSelli Sales does not offer extensive customization options for the user interface or branding. However, you can add your company logo and customize certain aspects of the interface, such as colors or themes, to align with your brand identity.